Eating in the Blue Zone

You may have heard of "Blue Zones", a term coined by author Dan Buettner to refer to five regions of…

Vegetarians Have Better Biomarkers

A new study released this week by the European Congress on Obesity (ECO) found that vegetarians have a healthier biomarker…

Healthy Fats for Your Brain

Your brain is almost 60% fat, and it needs fat to function properly.  What's important is to make sure you're…

Probiotics and Prebiotics – Goodies for your Gut

Your overall health is determined in large part by your gut health, with about 70% of your immune system residing…

Eating for Allergy Relief

AAA-CHOO!!  If that's how you sound around this time of year when flowers are blooming and pollen is abundant, there…

Strawberries…Luscious and Nutritious!!

A one-cup serving of strawberries has more vitamin C than an orange, and that's just the beginning of the health…

What You Eat and Do Now Matters Later

A study published on March 31, 2021 in the Journal of the American Heart Association has found that regular exercise and a…

Leafy Greens for Stronger Muscles

A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition has found that eating one cup of leafy green vegetables every day can…

Onions? Yes, Please!

Besides adding great flavor to your food, onions offer serious health benefits.  They are full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber;…

Foods for Energy

There are several factors that affect your energy level throughout the day.  These include a lack of sleep, lack of…