Children’s Diets Continue to Get Worse

A new study has been published in the journal JAMA showing that consumption of ultra-processed foods by children aged 2 - 19…

Flanonoids Lower Your Risk of Cognitive Decline

Flavonoids are antioxidants in plant foods that help prevent cell damage from free radicals throughout your body.  They help prevent…

Your Risk of Heart Disease Increases When You Eat Red and Processed Meats

In case you needed more incentive to stop eating meat, a new study from the University of Oxford has been…

All Carbs are not the Same and Whole Grains are Good

New research has been published in the Journal of Nutrition finding that eating at least 3 servings a day of whole grains…

Anti-Cancer Eating

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, but research has shown that a large percentage…

Fight Inflammation with What You Eat and Don’t Eat

Inflammation is a natural reaction by your body to protect it and help it heal.  When you have a sudden…

Superfood! Tomatoes

The tomato is a fruit that acts like a vegetable and is packed with nutrients and health benefits.  It is…

Have a Mango!

There is a bounty of fruits available in summer, including mangos which are at their peak from May through September. …

An Amazonian Tribe Provides Clues for Slowing Down Brain Aging

There is an indigenous tribe in the Bolivian Amazon call the Tsimane whose lifestyle appears to contribute not only to…

The Western Diet is Bad for Your Gut and Health

Many studies have shown that the Western diet is associated with a higher risk of obesity, cancer and heart problems. …