Melatonin-Rich Foods to Help Your Circadian Rhythm

Your circadian rhythm is your body's 24-hour sleep/wake cycle that responds primarily to light and dark.  In the evening, the…

Wrong Direction – More Ultra Processed Foods

A new study from the New York University School of Global Public Health has found that almost all segments of…

Make Room for Mushrooms

Mushrooms have been used for over a thousand years for food and medicinal purposes.  They are flavorful and "meaty" while…

Intermittent Fasting for Better Health

Intermittent fasting, also known as time-restricted eating, is the pattern of eating within a consistent window of 8 to 10…

Keto Diet May Not Be Worth the Risk

One of the common weight loss diets followed by many people is the ketogenic "keto" diet, which is very low…

Immune Boosting Bell Peppers

As fall arrives and we begin to spend more time indoors, it becomes even more important for us to strengthen…

Pear Up!

As the summer comes to an end, pears become more plentiful and there are a lot of reasons to eat…

A Nut to Lower Cholesterol

If you're looking to lower your cholesterol, consider eating a serving of pecans every day.  According to a new study…

Flavonoids, Gut Bacteria, Lower Blood Pressure

It's becoming clear that one of the most important words to understand in your nutritional language is flavonoids.  These are…

Eat Plant-Based Now to Avoid Heart Disease Later

Young adults usually don't think about how what they're eating now will affect them later on, and taste or convenience…