Happy Holidays!

We wish you the happiest of holidays and may 2021 bring you blessings, and joy, and more plant-based food!

Superfood! Beets

Beets are a nutrition powerhouse with many health benefits that you should add to your diet regularly.  Here are some…

When it comes to the Mediterranean Diet, Greener is Better

A study published last month in the BMJ Journal Heart confirms what we've known for a long time, that the Mediterranean diet…

Chocolate for Better Brain Function

In case you weren't convinced yet, there is now another reason  to make sure you include dark chocolate and other…

Live Long and Spicy!

Research just released by the American Heart Association has found that people who eat chili peppers regularly are likely to…

Fight Covid-19 with Food

This week we've had promising news about an upcoming vaccine, and the CDC has reiterated the benefits of wearing a…

Are you Eating to Increase your Risk of Heart Disease or to Decrease it?

A study just published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology has found that if you eat more pro-inflammatory foods…

Lower your Blood Pressure with Wine and Dark Chocolate!

A new study published in Scientific Reports shows that consuming a diet high in flavanols is associated with significant reductions in blood…

Don’t Diet, Eat Mindfully

Every day there seems to be a new diet that claims to make you lose weight, build energy, or reach…

Zinc your Immune System!

Now that fall is here and the temperatures are cooling, people are spending more time indoors and the number of…